What Books Did You Read in 2021?
In 2021, I read a wide variety of books. These books really helped me grow as an individual and a leader. Before I give you the entire list, I will share with you my top three for this year. These three were the most helpful or challenging to me, and I would encourage you...
What Books Did You Read in 2020?
In 2019, I committed to reading more books. I want to continue to grow and develop in every area of my life and books help me to do that. 2020 was a challenging year in a lot of ways. The quarantine really took away my normal routine for books, so I didn’t go...
11 Things That I Have Learned
In 11 Years As Lead Pastor
Every year at this time, I take some time to think about the journey that I have been on as Lead Pastor here at Good News. I became Lead Pastor on January 1st, 2010, so...
Looking Back To Move Forward
A new year has begun. I’m just getting back from a few days away. As a pastor, Christmas is a big deal and takes a lot of time, energy, and planning. The holidays are busy for all of us no matter what we do. I like to get away at the end of each year to...
Investing In Your Marriage (part 2)
We invest in retirement, in savings, in our careers and in our children, but we often don’t put nearly the same emphasis on our marriage. After our relationship with God, our marriages should be the most important relationship in our lives. Your marriage...
What Books Did You Read in 2019?
People often ask me what I am reading. And before 2019, I really wasn’t reading much. But I had a desire to grow as an individual and a leader, so I committed to reading more books in 2019. And for the first time ever I actually stuck to my commitment. Before I...
Book Review: Something Needs To Change
We all have moments in our lives where we struggle. We have doubts. We question God. Most of us put on a closely guarded facade so that no one will know that we are going through these things. And I think that the greater the limelight that we are...
Where To Place Your Kids
A dear friend has a favorite quote that I have come to appreciate. “Place your kids where you want them to choose their friends, because as they get older, they will listen to their friends and not to their parents.” I sit on a limestone staircase typing at...
Investing In Your Marriage (part 1)
If you’ve been married very long at all you know how difficult being a spouse can be. I love my husband a lot, but it’s just not easy to live with someone. We all have different ideas about how to eat, sleep, relax, have fun and work, to name a few. Thomas...
I Forgot Is Still Disobedience
I am the mother of four beautiful girls. I know that I am very blessed by God. I love to spend time with my girls. Most of the time. There are of course those moments when they drive me crazy! One of my least favorite things that they do is make excuses...
I Cry When I Look In The Mirror
The first time I remember feeling insecure about my physical appearance I was only six years old. Another girl made fun of my outfit, I ran home and hid. From then on, I can remember feeling insecure pretty much constantly. I felt embarrassed of my weight...
I Spilled The Beer
As the mother of four girls, life can get dramatic to say the least. My girls appear happy at church, most of our Facebook posts are smiley, happy and full of love. It’s true we are blessed with a generally pleasant family, however, those Facebook posts and...
Living A Life Of Contentment
I sit in my living room watching my children run around, chasing one another in circles. Around the kitchen, dining room and living room they gallop. I am filled with joy at the sound of their jubilant laughter and the light in their eyes. It’s loud and...
Follow The Process
Now we knew our purpose. Our purpose has three basic parts to it, so I needed to come up with a plan to bring people through these three steps. I also needed to make it as easy possible for people to identify where they are in the process and how they...
Lead With Purpose
What is the purpose of your church? For a long time, I had never really considered the purpose of our church. I just did ministry without much thought about it. We had programs, events, and special days and I just continued to do what we have...
Assess The Situation
Whether you are just taking over a church or ministry, or you have been leading it for some time, it is important to properly assess where your church currently is. To get a realistic assessment, sometimes it is necessary to get an outside perspective to...
What's Wrong With Your Staircase?
Over time we can become blind to things. We get so used to seeing something that we don’t even notice it anymore. I have a small wooden stairway that leads up to my house. It has been deteriorating for the last few years now, especially the railing. For...
Book Review: Meet Generation Z
I believe that there is so much potential in the next generation! I get so tired of people putting down millennials and generation z. They are the future! And I believe that future is bright. Part of the problem that people have with the next generation is a lack of...
Do You Want To Be Healed?
Hope is a powerful thing. It can give you strength in the darkest moments of your life, and encourage you to continue on. But when hope is misplaced, it can lead to a grat deal of disappointment. In John chapter 5, we are introduced to a man that had...
Bitter Water
Nobody likes going through difficult times. But hardship is a part of all our lives. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but every single one of us will be going in and out of difficulty for our entire lives. There are those preachers and teachers out there that...
What's So Important About Moses' Body?
What's so important about Moses' body? This is the question that I have asked myself when studying the book of Jude. As Jude is writing a letter against false teachers, he uses an illustration that seems like common knowledge to the recipients of his letter...